Posts Tagged ‘3DS’

Well, Sony unveiled their latest product which also happens to be the next generation replacement for the PSP —-  Vita (full video replay).  The word “vita” is Latin for “life” and this is exactly what Sony is hoping that this handheld will do for them – resuscitate the public’s interest in them as a company that is not known for having more than a dozen hacked digital properties, but as innovators to the handheld genre.

Features for this device include (complete tech specs):

  • 2 models – wi-fi ($249 USD) as well as 3G enabled ($299 USD) compliments of… oh no!  You guessed it! AT&T!
  • 5″ OLED  960 x 544 px resolution
  • front and back multi-touch sensors
  • 6 axis sensors (for the best darned Super Monkey Ball experience you could ever imagine – if it was actually available on this device!)
  • Dual Analog sticks
  • real-time chat while gaming/watching videos
  • integration with your PS3 console
  • front and rear cameras for augmented reality capabilities (following Nintendo’s 3DS lead)
  • GPS
  • Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR

Although the graphics on the video were impressive, for me the most impressive feature of this new portable handheld gaming device is its ability to save your exact spot during gameplay to the cloud.  This means that I can play on the bus with my Vita, turn the device off, synch my progress to Sony’s cloud infrastructure, go home, turn on my PS3 and then load up the game and start exactly where I left off on the handheld device. Seamless interaction with the handheld – from one activity to the next.   Now tell me that isn’t cool!

The touchscreen means that gamers will no longer have to rely on the use of the dual shock sticks.  Instead, you can just point on the screen where you want the character to go – pretty well eliminating any of the timing conundrums associated with actually having to determine the best interval to push the “x” button.  For me, this is the oversimplification of a gaming system.  If I wanted to do simply point my character to successfully navigate across several jumps, I would stay at home with my Kinect or my 3DS.  But since their slogan for Vita is “Play Your Way” (very Burger King’ish to me), this means that the user defines the type of gameplay they want.  So, you can either use the sticks and be a stud or you can let your little sister play it so that she too, can kick bootay!

This feature reminds me of similar promises Motorola’s Atrix held with its debut at CES 2011 – ability to seamlessly move from one environment to the next, while never losing connectivity or my exact spot in the video, website or application I have open.  More impressive however was the titles that Sony announced to go onto this new platform which included the infamous likes of Street Fighter x Teken, Little Big Planet, Uncharted 3, and even Bioshock!!!!  I will of course, have to try this little puppy out. Although I am disappointed to see the likes of UMDs going to the wayside (translate this as these won’t work on Vita so porting some of my favorite past games like Wipeout Pure requires new investment… grrrrr), it only makes economic sense.  Where you can dramatically decrease the costs associated with the manufacture and distribution of any type of physical product (read that especially digital products), downloads and app stores are king! Everything is moving to the cloud where storage is unlimited, access is ubiquitous, consumer data bountiful and for the talented hacker(s), a data set that is near priceless!

Game on!


Wow, I have been overly remiss on this write-up.  Long story short, the device is fun but the graphics can’t hold a candle to my HTC Evo’s screen.  Although the 3D effect without glasses is actually pretty darned impressive – and exactly what I expected after experiencing 3D down at CES 2011, the overall effect is still slightly reminiscent of those “3D” pictures you would get in a box of Cracker Jacks.  Remember how you would have to tilt the cardboard piece left and right to get the effect?  If you do, then great.  If not, I am clearly dating myself.  Yikers…That said, the quick review goes like this: 

FINAL PRODUCT RATING:         (3 out of 5 chakrams)


  • 3D Effects Work.  They’re actually very convincing, especially for games like Star Wars III Lego
  • Battery Lasts for Days
  • Backwards Compatible (if you had the Nintendo DS – your games still work!)
  • Uber Social Gaming Skillz. The device’s StreetPass will sense other DS owners in your proximity playing the same game as you and alert you
  • 3D Camera on Board means you too can take pictures in 3D.


  • Best 3D effects occur only with a perfect viewing angle – head-on
  • Screen only has one locking position
    • Let’s face it, the angle of the screen needs to change since I am not always sitting up at a 90 degree angle playing this thing
  • 3D effects do not work well for action games 
    • Super Street Fighter IV – a great game, quickly loses the 3D effect as my hands are actively working the thumbstick and D-pad (moving the screen around) trying to kick the other guys’ arse back to the stone age.  Perhaps I just need to calm down a little and play a little more relaxed. Yeah – right!  
  • Currently lacks critical mass of 3D titles

So, that said, do I think this is the killer handheld?  Afraid not.  Although I do have a lot of fun with it, the limited titles make this a very expensive DS.  All said and done, the most compelling reason to buy this handheld? 3D zombie brains going splat?  Who on earth can resist that?!

3DS demand ‘very strong,’ GameStop says –

It seems like forever ago that I put down my plastic to preorder this bad boy.  And now the time is nigh! 

I’ve been keeping up on all the reviews released to date and they have truly been mixed.  Some say the 3D is not noticeable while others hail this technology as raising bar by adding a totally new dimension (pardon the pun) to the gaming experience.

All this and the HTC Evo 3D is also about to release and IMAX predicts 200 3D releases this year – 3D is everywhere!

Hold onto your hats because my 3DS review will be out Sunday letting you know this gamer geek’s thoughts.  Chill or Pill?  Only 72 hours to find out!

UPDATE 4/21/2011:  Final Review Posted