Posts Tagged ‘3D’

3DS demand ‘very strong,’ GameStop says –

It seems like forever ago that I put down my plastic to preorder this bad boy.  And now the time is nigh! 

I’ve been keeping up on all the reviews released to date and they have truly been mixed.  Some say the 3D is not noticeable while others hail this technology as raising bar by adding a totally new dimension (pardon the pun) to the gaming experience.

All this and the HTC Evo 3D is also about to release and IMAX predicts 200 3D releases this year – 3D is everywhere!

Hold onto your hats because my 3DS review will be out Sunday letting you know this gamer geek’s thoughts.  Chill or Pill?  Only 72 hours to find out!

UPDATE 4/21/2011:  Final Review Posted