Nintendo 3DS Review – Finally!

Posted: April 22, 2011 in Gaming
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Wow, I have been overly remiss on this write-up.  Long story short, the device is fun but the graphics can’t hold a candle to my HTC Evo’s screen.  Although the 3D effect without glasses is actually pretty darned impressive – and exactly what I expected after experiencing 3D down at CES 2011, the overall effect is still slightly reminiscent of those “3D” pictures you would get in a box of Cracker Jacks.  Remember how you would have to tilt the cardboard piece left and right to get the effect?  If you do, then great.  If not, I am clearly dating myself.  Yikers…That said, the quick review goes like this: 

FINAL PRODUCT RATING:         (3 out of 5 chakrams)


  • 3D Effects Work.  They’re actually very convincing, especially for games like Star Wars III Lego
  • Battery Lasts for Days
  • Backwards Compatible (if you had the Nintendo DS – your games still work!)
  • Uber Social Gaming Skillz. The device’s StreetPass will sense other DS owners in your proximity playing the same game as you and alert you
  • 3D Camera on Board means you too can take pictures in 3D.


  • Best 3D effects occur only with a perfect viewing angle – head-on
  • Screen only has one locking position
    • Let’s face it, the angle of the screen needs to change since I am not always sitting up at a 90 degree angle playing this thing
  • 3D effects do not work well for action games 
    • Super Street Fighter IV – a great game, quickly loses the 3D effect as my hands are actively working the thumbstick and D-pad (moving the screen around) trying to kick the other guys’ arse back to the stone age.  Perhaps I just need to calm down a little and play a little more relaxed. Yeah – right!  
  • Currently lacks critical mass of 3D titles

So, that said, do I think this is the killer handheld?  Afraid not.  Although I do have a lot of fun with it, the limited titles make this a very expensive DS.  All said and done, the most compelling reason to buy this handheld? 3D zombie brains going splat?  Who on earth can resist that?!

  1. Scott Pinzon says:

    I was intrigued about “no glasses 3D” and checked this device out at GameStop. The turn-off for me is that the screen is frikkin’ tiny. I’ve never been a handheld game player (well, at least not since the long-ago death of my Sony Clie, RIP) and I guess I was expecting an HTC-sized screen.

    Too much squinting, too little joy. I agree with your review!

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